
Oranges with Large and Small Navels Are Not the Same

Truth about Navel Oranges: What you didn’t know could surprise you!

Have you ever wondered why some oranges taste incredibly sweet and juicy, while others fall straight, so you are disappointed?

It turned out that the secret lies in a small but decisive detail – their navel. Many people unknowingly choose the bad type of navel Orange just to regret their selection later.

But what if I told you that the size of an orange navel could reveal everything about its taste and texture? Before you only catch the orange from the market, read further and find out how the navel size can do or break your citrus experience.

When we choose oranges, pick up each fruit and pay attention to your navel … 

Understanding the difference between large and small oranges of the navel

When choosing oranges, it is necessary to carefully observe your navel. Some oranges have a large round navel with a deep indentation, while others have little dot.

The size of the navel significantly affects the quality of the fruit. Large navel oranges tend to have a strong white membrane surrounding the navel with less segments inside. These oranges usually have more peeling than pulp, leading to less attractive taste. Often they are not too sweet and contain less juices.

On the other hand, small navel oranges have a barely noticeable navel, thinner bark and juicy sweeter segments. The primary difference between the two lies in their sweets and juice content. When shopping oranges, your navel can help you choose the best tasty fruit.

Tips for choosing the best oranges

In addition to the size of the navel, several other factors can help you choose the tastiest oranges:

1. Color

The vibrant, dark orange shade is a good indicator of maturity. The darker the color, the more sunlight receives fruit, allowing it to develop a higher sugar content and more juicy meat.

2. Shape

Oranges come in different shapes – hem, slightly oval, smooth or rough. If you want a sweet and juicy orange, decide for round because they tend to be tastier.

3. Weight and texture

Holding an orange in your hand is a great way to judge its freshness. Heavy orange denotes happy while light can be stored for too long and can be dry inside. In addition, texture matters should have oranges that should be gently compressed by slight flexibility. If the skin feels too tight or strong, the fruit may be less juicy.

With regard to these factors, you can always choose the tastiest oranges.


When choosing oranges, it can pay attention to the size of the navel help to determine their sweetness and happy. Large nailed oranges tend to have stronger bark, less segments and less attractive taste, while small navel oranges are usually sweeter and juicy. In addition, factors such as color, shape and weight play a key role in choosing fruit from the highest quality. By considering these characteristics, you can ensure that you choose the tastiest and refreshing oranges for your pleasure.