An engagement should be joyful and full of love, but this man’s shocking behavior destroyed his happy relationship with his fiancee.
In fact, their relationship took a terrifying turn when he made an absurd request that made her doubt it. She shared her story on Reddit. The woman deeply loved her fiancé. She felt that they were an ideal couple and that she would not want to spend the rest of her life with anyone else.
It had been a happy event eight months ago when the proposal had taken place, and they were to have a small wedding in two days. Everything seemed perfect and he could feel the love there.
However, a few days before their special day, the woman’s world was turned upside down when her fiance approached her and made a completely ridiculous request that his father check her virginity in front of his brothers and uncles by having her hymen examined.
“I’m a virgin and so is he, he wanted to save it for the wedding and it didn’t bother me so I agreed to save it,” the lady wrote. “He informed me that the night before the wedding, the father in his family verifies the bride’s virginity. That really sounds like a big joke, so I laughed it off.”
He then went on to say that the night before the wedding, the father in his family tests the virginity of the bride to see if she is still “pure”. The woman expressed utter displeasure at the request and said she was not sure she would comply.
The man told her that his mother had to go through this too and insisted that she did too. She said: “He said it would prove how much I loved him.” Moreover, he made fun of her by saying that if she is a virgin, she has nothing to hide.
What steps did the woman take?
After being left in a state of shock, the woman decided to leave, leaving her husband-to-be in tears. And that’s when things got really dramatic.
Although she loved this man and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, there was a part of her that wanted to call off the wedding right then and there. Just to be accepted into the family, she started thinking about a special ceremony.
As she considered her options, she sought refuge at a friend’s house. The next morning, she told her fiance that she would not consent to being examined by the men in her family and that he should respect her choice.
However, her fiance was adamant that this ceremony must be completed before they could consider marriage. He went so far as to accuse her of lying about being a virgin and cited her refusal to attend the ceremony as evidence.
The woman remained composed and reasonable throughout the interview. Unfortunately, instead of being frustrated, her fiancé became aggressive, and the more she tried to calm him down, the angrier he became.
“I told him if he really loved me, he would stand by me and tell his father no,” the woman said. She thought he would change his mind and agree, but his answer caught her by surprise.
The woman’s fiance physically assaulted her and slapped her for speaking her mind instead of offering her support. He claimed he didn’t have to provide her with any proof.
Was the wedding still going on?
The woman was devastated to discover that this was not the ideal man she once fell in love with. She decided to call off their wedding after realizing he was someone completely different.
The woman was unhappy with the situation. Before moving on and getting back on her feet, she let all her emotions go through living with her boyfriend.
Many were shocked by this incredible story and thought it was a hoax until the woman insisted it was real.
The conclusion of this harrowing story represents a key moment of strength and awareness for the woman. Faced with her fiance’s shocking and unacceptable request, she showed immense courage in standing up for her principles and refusing to submit to an archaic and invasive tradition. Her decision to leave the relationship, despite her love for him, was a testament to her own worth and dignity.
An unfortunate turn of events, escalating to physical aggression from her fiancé, shattered any illusions she had about their relationship. It turns out that the man she once imagined spending her life with is actually someone fundamentally different—a man willing to uphold archaic customs at the cost of his autonomy and well-being.
The woman’s decision to call off the wedding was a bold move to reclaim her agency and refuse to be subjected to such degradation. Choosing to live through her emotions and seek comfort from a friend showed her resilience in processing the shock of this shocking incident.
The outcry and disbelief of many who encountered her story underscored the disbelief of such regressive practices persisting in modern times. It served as a stark reminder of the importance of respecting individual autonomy and rejecting outdated traditions that interfere with personal dignity.
Sharing her story, the woman shed light on the need for respect, understanding, and equality in relationships. Her courage to stand up against oppressive customs serves as a poignant reminder to defend one’s autonomy and dignity, even in the face of societal or family pressures.
Ultimately, this woman’s story contains the strength that can be found in standing up for your beliefs and refusing to compromise your integrity. Her story serves as an inspiration to push boundaries and assert personal values despite adversity and prompts reflection on the importance of mutual respect and equality in relationships.
How would you react in this situation? Tell us in the comments below!